Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Rawls's Fragile Liberal State

 Rawls’s Fragile Liberal State


John Rawls modelled his idea of a liberal state as a Venn diagram. Whilst the communities existing in the same state might have political, cultural or religious commitments at variance with, or even hostile to, one another, the business of the unitary state is conducted by all communities within institutions (political, legal and administrative) that all can uphold. Further, political debate is conducted according to “public reasons”- reasons that can be accepted as reasons by all communities, even where there is vehement disagreement over policy.


Thus, for example, a devout religionist should not invoke the Will of God in support of a policy, in a society where many do not follow any religion or follow a different version of God. (In the US- up to recently- and the UK ,Catholic politicians have acquiesced in, or even supported some degree of abortion rights in the public square.)