Sunday, December 27, 2015

1970s Islington

1970s Islington

I lived in Islington in the late1970s, orbiting around the political-social planet whence Jeremy Corbyn came to conquer the known Labour Party universe. I am not aware of ever meeting Jez, but I am sure I was sometimes near.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

El Greco an Ironist?

The Ironies of El Greco?

Was El Greco something of a ironist? His religious paintings are so perfect, so pious. The expressions of divine and saintly figures are unimprovable as depictions (if one must have them) of divinity and sainthood. And yet… does El Greco deliberately push it all a little too far? And do not some of his human figures, when they appear, subtly undermine the otherwise sublime message?

El Greco, famously, slighted Michelangelo as painter (but admired his sculptures). He offered to repaint the Sistine Chapel. Wryness or just arrogance, or perhaps both?

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Art of Politics and the Politics of Art in Madrid

The Art of Politics and the Politics of Art in Madrid

An intense guided art tour to Madrid, Segovia and Toledo ends fittingly with the contemplation of Picasso’s Guernica in the Reina Sofia Museum. This painting is on one level rawly simple – basically a long scream far more visceral than, say, the existentialist and easily parodied howl of Munch. But the Guernica scream or, rather, screams are emitted by and among implacable and anguished images that draw on deliberately oblique and fragmented references to Spanish art and Spanish history through art.