Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tate v NEO Bankside: a theme fit for Ballard

Tate v NEO Bankside: a Theme fit for Ballard

On the viewing deck of Tate Modern’s interesting new extension (Switch House), there are a number of notices fixed to the concrete pillars: “Please respect the privacy of our neighbours”. Is this is a Tate snigger, or a futile Canute command?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Homage to Christy Moore

Christy Moore

Two moments of serendipity have led to me being a fan, then a bigger fan, of the Irish singer, Christy Moore.

Moore is aged 71, and has been an acclaimed singer, songwriter and sometimes controversialist since the 1960s. Although I like Irish folk/rock music (Van Morrison, Dubliners, Pogues), I wasn’t aware of Moore until a year or so ago.