Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Nerja: costa dystopia or hillwalking utopia?

I have never been on a flight to or from Malaga, Costa del Sol, which hasn’t been full or nearly so – and I travel mostly mid-week and avoid peak holiday periods. The departure gate waiting areas are interesting for the amateur sociologist.

Just after the Easter school holidays, the hobby was easy enough to indulge. At Gatwick there was a scattering of families with pre-school infants. Almost all the rest of the 180 or so passengers were what the Americans call “snowbirds” – the grey or white haired folk who migrate, either temporarily or permanently, from the frozen or wet northern parts to The Sun.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Beyond Hobbes's Leviathan: the Alarming Visions of JG Ballard

         Beyond Hobbes’s Leviathan: The Alarming Visions of JG Ballard

The 17th philosopher Thomas Hobbes believed that, without a civilising authority, humankind is condemned to live in a state of nature, where there is war of all against all and life is nasty, brutish and short. In his book Leviathan, Hobbes proposed that there was a profound drive, or law of nature, to escape this fate: