Monday, December 23, 2019

The Magic Mirror of Brexit

The Magic Mirror of Brexit

Reflecting on the UK’s December 2019 General Election, one thing above all others has been made clear to me. It is how few voters changed their minds about Brexit  in the 3 ½ years since the Referendum, in spite of the impassioned efforts of politicians and activists.

Why is this? Surely, one thought, as the contours of the possible Brexit landscapes became clearer over the months, there would be major reconsiderations (as proponents of a second Referendum argued). After all, as John Maynard Keynes said: “when the facts change, I change my mind”. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Predictor of Trumpism: Richard Rorty

The Predictor of Trumpism? Richard Rorty (1931-2007)

The US philosopher Richard Rorty achieved a species of  posthumous and retrospective fame, outside of academic circles, by “prediciting”, in 1998, the advent of Trumpisim. 

In Rorty’s view, the left-wing tradition in the US had swerved away from the dirty-hands business of practical politics, attentive to the political and economic needs of the blue collar classes. What the left had swerved towards was an academic-inspired tendency to “give cultural politics preference over real politics, and to mock the very idea that democratic institutions might once again be made to serve social justice.”