Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Opera at the V&A and the Wallace Collection

Operas – Victoria & Albert Museum and the Wallace Collection

One week, two unique opera experiences. In the new exhibition suite at the V&A, there’s an ambitious, multi-media exhibition devoted to the history of Opera. A little way across London, near the crowds on Oxford Street, the Wallace Collection put on an evening performance Goyescas by the Spanish composer Granados. This was to accompany a small exhibition of Spanish paintings, including a couple of Goyas, on loan from the Bowes Museum in Durham.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Farewell, Tooth

Farewell, Tooth

My dentist is calm, softly spoken and sympathetic – good set of characteristics for a dentist to have. What took place on a recent visit therefore gave me quite a jolt.

I presented myself as having some persistent gum bleeding, at the site of a rear molar, that I had been unable to brush away – was there something else to be done? The dentist said, “let’s take a look”. Then, peering in, he muttered “oh dear..”.